
Saturday, October 14, 2017

Beware of syphilis of complex sexual diseases

Beware of syphilis of complex sexual diseases
Syphilis is a complex sexually transmitted disease. It is said that after the discovery of America (1492), the syphilis disease came to Europe through the crew of Columbus. The infected sailors, while participating in Naples Siege (1495), have been together with the Marcians from various European countries. Due to the spread of dispersal of soldiers, the disease spread throughout Europe - in the middle of the 16th century, the disease reached Japan. During World War II, syphilis outbreak increased dramatically. The effect of this disease in Bangladesh is widespread, the disease in the city area is usually more common. In the port city and industrial areas, this disease is more infectious.
Syphilis is said to be the disease, the name comes from a poem written by Frascato, a physician, astronomer and poet (1483-1553). The name of the hero of the poem was syphilas, he was a sheep feather. To condemn God and religion, he was punished with a new disease. Syphilis is the name of the disease that becomes syphilis.
Syphilis is associated with the infection of the trapezema pallidum called germs. The germ was invented in 1905 by zoologist F. Shawdin and the skin specialist E Hoffman. It can be easily treated if the disease is detected before the body is severely damaged.
The source of infection: Infected person causes skin and mucous membranes, saliva, semen, vaginal discharge and blood infections.
The way the disease spreads:
- Having sexual intercourse with the victim.
- If you have mates or mates with paupathi or mutual friends or exchange kisses.
- Blood transfusion or injecting.
- From mother to pregnant mother to child.
The primary whole: In most cases syphilis gets full on the skin of the infected male or on the skin of the penis, full of vaginal lips or clititis in women.
The whole first starts like a small red grain, after which it becomes wet and gradually decaying. At the beginning it felt solid like a button. It can be very short or finger nails to see.
Medical treatment is not worthwhile, because the germs enter the body deep.
Disease symptoms
Primary level of syphilis:
Generally 10 to 40 days after the entry of germs into the body, it becomes painless in the affected area directly.
In addition to genes, this whole anus, lips or nipples may occur. Nearby glands may swell.
After 10 weeks, the whole goes away.
The first stage is very easy to repair.
Second level of syphilis:
-After six weeks to three months of infection, skin rashes on all skin.
-My hair fall.
-Mother pain,
-Small fever and glands can swell.
The infected person is severely infected,
If the skin of his face is torn then the disease can spread through kisses.
- In a year, the signs of the disease are mixed.
The last level of syphilis:
After 30 years of infection, the disease can attack any part of the body. Usually the heart, blood vessel, brain and the nervous system are attacked.

Other responses include loss of mouth, skin, bone and ligaments. Large reactions include blindness, organs, frenzy and death.
- Physical damage can not be met.
Birth Syphilis:
The pregnant baby may be affected by syphilis through pregnant mother during pregnancy.
One-third of such cases are abortion or the birth of a deceased child.
-When child is treated during pregnancy, the child is protected.
Testing: Syphilis germs are detected through serological examination. Serological tests have become positive since four weeks of being syphilis. Occasionally it can be misleading positive. Other infections of VDRL and RPR tests are positively related to the issue of connective issues.
Results can be confirmed through special examination. If syphilis is suspected then lipidal antigen and special tests are collected together. The CSF tests are done to separate or ensure the nervous illnesses altogether.
Treatment: Must be treated with the advice of the doctor, and after several months there may be many complications.

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