
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

There are some ways to prevent urinary tract infections

Everyone in the urinary tract can be infected. However, it is very dangerous to take urine infections like light infections.If that happens, you will definitely go to the doctor. But you can also accept some domestic tips. In this, the effects of the disease will be reduced, the pain and suffering also get rid of it.
1) Water-
Drinking water is very important for this disease. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. The water is expelled by urine in all the contaminated substances of our body. The result is that the body is healthy. Disease resistance also increases.
2) Hot-
If the urinary tract infections, there is a burning sensation in the bladder.Sometimes there is pain in the stomach. In this case, it is good to be in contact with hot things. Relax in it If you want to take a bath in hot water or you can keep the hot water bag on the floor.
3) urination-
Urination is very important during this disease. Urinate as many times as possible. Try it again and again and again. Even if you have a slight urination, some harmful bacteria will be released from your body.
4) Cucumber-
To reduce urinary tract infections, stock pair of matching pair. This result is a lot of fluid which meets the demand of water in the body. If you do not want to eat too much water you can eat a lot of cucumbers.
5) Cranberry Juice-
Cranberry juice has plenty of anti-oxidants. If you drink it regularly, the disease increases your immune system. If you get urinary tract infections, it also increases the amount of water in the body, and the body also receives vitamins.

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