
Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Important tips to avoid corona

Concerns have been spread among the people of Bangladesh over the spread of coronavirus worldwide. In addition to the warning message, a lot of misinformation is going to people. Similarly, after the diagnosis of coronavirus in Bangladesh, fear has spread in people's minds. Many are suffering from coronary artery disease.
In the meantime, prominent medical expert and ekushey medalist, former teacher Professor Dr. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University has given important suggestions on how to prevent and prevent coronavirus. ABM Abdullah.

She said don't be alarmed by the coronavirus. Because the mortality rate is not very high in this disease. According to the latest data, the coroner mortality rate is 5.7 percent. So there is nothing to be afraid of. But we have to be careful. It is possible to avoid the transmission of the virus if they are properly followed.

Symptoms of coronas
Symptoms of coronavirus begin with fever. Fever may include cold, dry cough, headache, sore throat and body aches. Breathing may occur within a week. Like the common flu, the virus can spread through coughing and sneezing.

If an infected person is found, he or she must first be separated for another two weeks, so that the affected person does not come in contact with others. At the same time, those who have not been infected should be careful in their movement.

The coronavirus mainly causes respiratory infections. The symptoms are much like pneumonia. Diarrhea can also occur in some cases. However, in the human body, the virus can show symptoms within one to five days after infection.

Those who have good immunity recover within a few days of being infected with the virus. But in chronic patients with kidney, diabetes, heart or lungs, severe complications can occur.

At the same time, it can lead to pneumonia, respiratory failure or kidney failure. It can also cause the death of the infected person.

Do what you can to prevent it

Whatever precautions are taken to prevent any viruses, caution should be taken in case of coronavirus. For this, use of masks outside the house, avoiding mass transit, drinking lots of fruit juice and adequate water.

Out of the room, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap or handwash. Then grab something else. Because whatever is caught with this hand, the virus can stay there. Viruses can be found on tables, chairs, door handles, keyboards. The virus can spread from there. So they have to be kept clean.

Something needs to be washed thoroughly before eating or cooking, eggs or meat cooked well before cooking, dirty clothes can be washed quickly, regular houses and workplaces can be left open and door to door unnecessary.

Avoid public meetings. That would be a lot safer. So if someone is suffering from a fever, the suggestion would be to make sure they are tested.

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